If you and your personal property are not removed from the premises and the premises not delivered to me within the prescribed time period, I will file an affidavit against you in the Malvern/Hot Spring County District Court under Arkansas Code Annotated §18-16-101. This action will be civil and possibly even criminally prosecuted. You will be held accountable for all fees, legal costs, and for any and all damages.
If you are in doubt regarding your legal rights and obligations, you should seek legal assistance.
","className":"d-block"},{"type":"text","label":"Served/Posted by and Date Served","placeholder":"Served/Posted by (Sign and Date)","name":"text-1724431646764","className":"col-md-6","subtype":"text"},{"type":"text","label":"You must vacate the premises by:","placeholder":"3, 10, or 30 days from date served","name":"You-must-vacate-the-premises-by","className":"col-md-6","subtype":"text"}]